Therapist: Christine Bromm
Services:60 min. Hot Stone Massage, 60 min Relaxation Massage change

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  • Therapeutic Massage

    A massage tailor made for you. We use a wide variety of techniques to help achieve your goals/desired outcome.  We always provide a blend of relaxation and focused work within each massage. This massage is designed to work out those sore areas, problems with range of motion or those painful "knots."  Truly a blend of both worlds. 
  • Relaxation Massage

    • 30 Min Relaxation Massage $50
      You can expect a nice soothing relaxation session. This massage is intended to completely relax you and send you blissfully floating out the door. Please note that  this is not a deep tissue massage and knots will not be the focus. 
    • 45 min Relaxation Massage $65
      Purely a relaxation massage designed to leave you in complete bliss. Please note that this is not a deep tissue massage and knots will not be the focus. It is designed to have you floating out the door.
    • 90 min Relaxation Massage $115
      Need more time? 90 minutes of pure bliss. This relaxation massage is designed for you to leave your worries behind. Please note that this is not a deep tissue massage and no knots will be worked on. This massage will leave you floating in another world. 
    • 2 hour Relaxation Massage $160
      Ready for the ultimate in relaxation? 2 hours of pure magical bliss. Soothing relaxation massage that will transport you to another dimension. Please note that this is not a deep tissue massage and no knots will be worked on. After 2 hours of pure bliss, you'll forget that you had tension and knots. Leave your stress and worry behind for 2 hours.
    • Prenatal Massage

      For mom to be prenatal massage can be a great benefit. This type of massage focuses on helping to relieve common pregnancy related discomforts, and to help mom have a stress free as possible pregnancy. Prenatal massage is very safe and gentle for mom to be and for her baby. It is safe for her to receive massage throughout her entire pregnancy. At Guided Hands Massage Therapy we use the side-lying method once mom enters the second trimester.
  • Hot Stone Massage

    Hot Stone Massage can be very relaxing to your muscles and your mind. The heat of the stones penetrates deeply into the muscles helping to soothe the nervous system and melt away muscle tension. This massage is performed with oil to help the stones glide effortlessly over the body. Very relaxing!
  • Reflexology

    Reflexology is more than just a foot massage. There are over 7000 nerve endings on the soles of the feet. Reflexology activates sensory receptors which stimulate the nervous system thereby releasing natural painkillers in the body. Reflexology works by stimulating the reflex points on your feet to help promote healing within the body. Reflexology can help alleviate discomforts such as headaches, backache, digestive issues, general muscle soreness and much more. It can have a very relaxing effect on the receiver. We perform reflexology on the feet, but it can also be performed on the hands. This technique is also great for people that are unable to receive a massage or are uncomfortable with massage and are looking for an alternative approach for treatment.
    • 30 min. Reflexology $50
    • 60 min. Reflexology $80
    • Reiki

      Reiki is a Japanese word that means universal life energy. Reiki is a gentle hands-on healing with the emphasis being that it is an energy based approach. This is not a massage, but rather an alternative healing approach. Reiki can address sudden or long occurring conditions within the mind/body. It helps promote balance in all of the body systems. In receiving Reiki you remain fully clothed and the practitioner places their hands on or above the body along a particular pathway, They can, however, stop and focus on a specific area of concern if need be. Most experience a deep sense of relaxation following a session. You must experience this at least once!